Overall Rating

The Crimson Hotel

The Crimson Hotel5/51
The Crimson Hotel5 out of 5 based on 1 reviews
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Tyax Heli Skiing Packages

The Crimson Hotel - Reviews

The Crimson Hotel - Reviews

Highly Recommended



Powderhounds Ambassador
Powderhounds Ambassador


Powderhounds Ambassador
Powderhounds Ambassador
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Highly Recommended

We stayed at the Crimson Jasper for a few days and really enjoyed our stay – we couldn’t have wanted for more!

Our room was very very spacious and deluxe, and had 2 queen beds and a table and chairs, and kitchenette. The views from the room were lovely and a great way to appreciate the beauty of Jasper. It was really really cold when we visited Jasper, and thankfully the heating worked a treat! The wifi also worked a treat!

We had a fantastic dinner at the hotel restaurant and the quality of the food and the service was excellent.

The location of the hotel was ideal - only a few minutes walk to the hub of town where there were plenty of choices for restaurants.
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