Overall Rating

Tohoku Powder Tour

Tohoku Powder Tour4.5/51
Tohoku Powder Tour4.5 out of 5 based on 1 reviews
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Backcountry Books Ski & Snowboard Guide Books & Maps

Tohoku Powder Tour - Reviews

Tohoku Powder Tour - Reviews

Amazing Experience

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Amazing Experience

So much powder on offer
Powder at Zao Onsen
Lots of soaks in onsens
Lots of great meals
Powder at one of the Bandai ski resorts
Tohoku skiing is amazing but the only problem is that you get so spoilt skiing readily accessible freshies all day, that it’s then hard to go resort skiing elsewhere.

We went on tour for 10 nights and there were really only 2 days where there wasn’t fresh snow. One of these was at Geto Kogen and there were still lots of fresh tracks so it didn’t matter that it hadn’t snowed the day before. This tour was powder, powder, powder!

The destinations visited were amazing – ski resorts where there was negligible competition for the powder, only a little bit of English spoken, and plenty of Japanese cultural immersion on tap! It was sooooo nice to get away from the high profile Japanese ski resorts and visit the real Japan.

The guides were exceptional at scoping great lines, although outside of the skiing, the organisation of logistics from one of our guides was a little loose at times. This probably didn't matter though, because we achieved our main aims: powder; get off the beaten track; onsens; and great food and cultural experiences!

We stayed in a range of accommodations that ranged from OK to not-so-good, but we chose a cheap-as-chips tour option, and the accommodation was in line with what you’d expect for what we paid.

We can thoroughly recommend getting a customised tour of Tohoku with WRTs. We had an absolutely amazing time!
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