Jangle Jungle

Jangle Jungle

Overall Rating

Jangle Jungle

Jangle Jungle2.5/51
Jangle Jungle2.5 out of 5 based on 1 reviews
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Jangle Jungle - Reviews

Jangle Jungle - Reviews

It's a Jungle Out There



Powderhounds Ambassador
Powderhounds Ambassador


Powderhounds Ambassador
Powderhounds Ambassador
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It's a Jungle Out There

We were driving south through Yamagata and thought we’d stop in at Jungle Jangle for a look. It was a Friday in mid February and it was very quiet. The mega sized base area looked out of keeping with the lack of crowds, but we’d heard that it can get very busy on weekends.

We had some fresh snow, but the base was only about 1 metre, which is about as low as it’s been for February in recent years. The Miyagi and Yamagata ski areas were having a rather poor season and we weren’t seeing JXJ in its best state, as much of the off-piste was like a jungle. Hopefully another metre of snow would cover the small vegetation. The only downside of more snow might be that the ski field would seem even flatter! The off-piste was a bit of fun but it lacked pitch and you had to maintain a lot of speed plus some poling to get past the benches.
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