Overall Rating

Brookvale Motel

Brookvale Motel4.5/51
Brookvale Motel4.5 out of 5 based on 1 reviews
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Brookvale Motel - Reviews

Brookvale Motel - Reviews

Tranquil Yet Central Location



Powderhounds Ambassador
Powderhounds Ambassador


Powderhounds Ambassador
Powderhounds Ambassador
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Tranquil Yet Central Location

Despite being in central Wanaka, it was surprising how quiet the location was. Our motel unit had large sliding doors that opened onto a grassed area that sloped down to a creek that was full of large trout, and the sound of the running water was rather peaceful. The room was reasonably spacious and included enough space for a couch and small table with 2 chairs, and the large sliding doors probably also made it feel like we weren’t hemmed in. From the grassed area outside, there were peek-a-boo views of the lake.

The king bed was really comfortable and once the bathroom and kitchenette doors were closed and the blinds were drawn, it was really dark so it was ideal for long sleep ins.

One limitation was that the wifi was not always adequate, especially in the evenings when everyone was at “home”.

The little kitchenette was really basic and in line with what you’d expect for a motel, but adequate for preparing breakfast or a very simple meal. We really enjoyed that there were a collection of food trucks within a minute’s walk, and that the associated seating area was picturesque next to the creek.

The unit was not particularly fancy yet more than adequate and it provided good value for money.
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